Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Blackpool's failing schools - under Labour

Blackpool is producing a generation of young people wholly ill-equipped for the future.  The demise comes from a Labour enforced education system fostered by a Brighton living MP, Gordon Marsden --Labour Blackpool South- and a local Labour Group led by Blackburn man Simon Blackburn.  You couldn’t write this as a comedy script. Simon Blackburn has been shown to be incapable of organising a piss up in a brewery, as if he knows where the local mini-breweries are?
There is no need to review the report on Blackpool’s poor education prospects.  I drink a pint or two every week with thoroughly decent Labour supporters, a thoroughly decent family.  What is annoying is their collective lack of Worldly conceptions, their lack of historical and contemporary reality. 
What is it about Labour supporters who paint everything RED without seeing that the messages and philosophies of Engels and Marx have been so proven to be so disastrous?  They are now, in their minds, enshrined as successes?  Every Communist dynasty has been a disaster for the ordinary man/and woman.  It is like trying to convince me that man can walk on water, or greater still, rise from the dead.  When you ask for definitive evidence, they grab for the Holy Grail from the library of fables and start recanting mythology and mysteries from that epoch that produced Homer and Socrates.  Where is the scrutiny, the investigation, the dissection and the reasoning?  It is in the mythology of a system that produces local leaders like Simon Blackburn and worse, on a national level, Ed Miliband.
Blackpool could be said to be in the epicentre of Lancashire.  It arose from nowhere 150 years ago.  It was then a small place at the end of a railway line, with long sandy beaches and entrepreneurs willing and able to enrich the drab lives of the mill workers and miners at the other end of that steel track.  The Tower was said to be built on bales of wool, but has that metaphor been explained to the children of Blackpool today?  No! Nor have the wonderful Lancashire Poets had their odes been made available to the new breed because the stark, dour existence of our forefathers, laid out in simple verse in a dialect full of emotion and history, would embarrass the illiterate, foul mouthed products of our failing educational establishments of today.
There is no need to read the report on Blackpool’s failing schools.  All anyone with an IQ greater than an amoeba needs do is talk to the thirteen and fourteen year olds. The consequence of this failed experiment is illustrated by a lovely young lady whose generous nature clouds her limited knowledge.
I have this young friend who is going to Zambia to teach the locals about sexual transmitted diseases and the prevention there of.  Her concept and awareness of where she is going and to whom she will teach is zero.  For once I just listened to her and bowed to her desire to do good over my experiences in that very same region.  Back 30 plus years ago there were precisely the same problems.  The difference is that when we tried to counter the scourge of Syphilis and Gonorrhoea I was helping a dedicated team of young doctors who knew the area intimately as it was their homeland, the Afrikaner.  Many spoke the dialects and many were genuinely humanitarian.  What may surprise the wonderful geniuses of Labour’s hate regimes is that many of those young doctors had come from impoverished backgrounds, their education paid for by parents who worked long and arduous hours and years, to raise their children out of their misery of poverty.  Sorry, the truth is often so unpalatable to those with fixed and often erroneous views of matters they are ignorant.  It must be remembered that it was immediately before the explosion of the Aids epidemic into which my super young friend with embark.  She is completely ill equipped but who am I to prevent her from fulfilling her wishes?

The question has to be why is Blackpool’s education system failing?  Swallowed hard!  One reason is the system itself.  Education is supposed to set out a challenge to make young people make the right choices for them.  As we witness around the country, too many children are let down by the system because they are, now wait for it, children and not mature enough to make decisions for themself.  It makes no difference what experts say, children are children and some mature earlier than others.  That is not to say we have to follow the Liberal line and accept that thirteen and fourteen year olds are mature enough to face the hard reality of adulthood.  In this country today, too many adults are not capable or mature enough to cope with the harrowing truth that it is for themselves to create a future, not some Communist inclined bureaucrat absolved from responsibility by collective ignorance.  It is the abrogation of responsibility, the choking of open debate, the stifling of criticism that allows children to be grossly and heinously violated by adults.

Experience is so illuminating in parental participation.  Those young Boerkje doctors, from poor and deprived backgrounds, went to school with a different ethos than those in Blackpool. They often trekked to school early in the morning, before breakfast, and spent several hours on sports field or swimming pools.  I have seen this in the middle of desolate Australia, something that Labour/Conservatives cannot produce except in a small handful of selective establishments.

One only has to look at the average South African/Australian/New Zealand child and compare them to ours.  What their parents, in conjunction with the schools, provided them with is an outlet.  For the non-academic, the rugby grounds around the world have provided a decent livelihood for thousands of less scholarly capable.  It is the role that the New World parent provides by ensuring that their children fulfil a full and complete period within an environment that is ready for that period of juvenile rebellion which British parents, those who think their children are the responsibility of the State and not theirs, turn their back

Monday, 30 March 2015

Britain destroyed whilst MP's fiddled

I tried to do something by standing against those who have both destroyed my home town and the prospects of the future by bankrupting the Nation.  I would have helped against this existing evil but am surplus to requirements.

One of those Parties, Labour, is, according to a high profile enquiry. accomplice to all the evils of Child Sexual Exploitation.

The other, Conservatives, prevaricated and completely lost touch with the ordinary Britons.  Both resided over the most evil exploitation and generosity of the British character. This ease of nature will eventually result in these island becoming a wasteland identical to the Balkans and most of Arab East Asia. The ravages have already begun with thousands of recent immigrants, many too young to form a rational appreciation of what they have been given via lax immigration, training in a War Zone for insurrection on these shores.  They today lay their prayer mats at the feet of mad and semi-literate religious bigots.

If the state of the economy is not enough to disenfranchise all the leading political parties from Office, the neglect to Defend the Realm by them is sufficient for most former fighting Britons to lean towards an emerging entity for succour. It is for the people to decide.  The fear is that separation now is endemic amongst too many for there to be anything but encroaching anarchy.

Labour's answer to Isis terrorism threat. Nothing

Labour spokesperson defending the indefensible with a Lawyer's grasp of reality. 

Andrew Neil destroys Labour's Emily Thornberry 

These Labour people are the same who would criminalise anyone who dare mention paedophile's ethnicity, or corrupt politicians, or bent Civil Servants.  They must have really studied the methods of the Gestapo with a GUSTO

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dear Mr Cameron

Dear Mr Cameron, 
After 4 years of the Smoking Ban, Ten Thousand Pubs have disappeared.
Just imagine what could disappear if you banned "Halal Meat"! ....
Give it some thought please!!!

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Picture of British loving immigrants celebrating St George's Day

The British people have been duped by Lord Mandelson's selected immigrants into believing that everything that we do as Brits is wrong, immoral, illegal and nasty.

What is wrong is allowing these people British Passports and to remain in these peaceful Islands.

Has anyone else noticed the disproportionate number of Immigrants now getting coverage of a generous nature on the BBC and in other media outlets?  This single picture destroys the Peace Loving lies that the authorities are ramming down our throats. Unfortunately for Auntie, enough is now enough.

You were wrong over Sa Vile.  You are now grossly culpable in allowing the liars a forum that you deny the British.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Bring back the Bradbury Pound?

For once an interesting but alternate approach to debt and the causes of debt.  That this alternate approach is hidden from public scrutiny leads some to believe in the Conspiracy Theory more than ever.

With some getting fabulously rich whilst average workers retreat into unsustainable debt, the urge to make everyone a slave by demanding that everyone owns their own homes, the divide into those who want to work their way out of poverty and those happy to take tax payers money for doing nothing at all has to be addressed.  Could this be the first step?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Illegal broadcast on BBC Daily Politics

Somone at the BBC committed a crime by trying to influence viewers with this illegal broadcast.

Watch for yourself.  This is the depths that Labour supporters sink to hoodwink the gullable.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Home Secretary on Sharia Law

The Home Secretary will say that a future Conservative government will commission an independent review into the operation of Sharia courts in Britain, while councils will be ordered to “take steps to ensure the safeguarding of children in hitherto unregulated places”, such as tuition centres.

British values will form “an integral part of applying for a visa” which even visitors will have to comply with.

The question has to be asked, why has it taken an incumbent Government over 30 years to spot the obvious?

MPs Vote to conceal officials who rape children

List of 295 UK MPs who voted in Feb. that government officials raping children is an OFFICIAL STATE SECRET