Tuesday 24 May 2011

Injunctions and super-injunctions.

The airwaves are buzzing with parties taking sides and with Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming being both vilified and praised for his action. Dame Helena Kennedy QC hinted that Ryan Giggs was not having an affair and Imogen Thomas, the alleged piece on the side, appears to be staying stum. So who and why did someone leak that the Welsh lass was bonking a rich married man? A world famous footballer no less! She was wearing out the bedsprings – allegedly - with someone so-called famous but a quick flick through international news media reveals that this is a non-story.

If one has to apportion blame then surely it should fall on the shoulders of Ryan Giggs’s legal advisor who used his client’s considerable wealth to use a serious law for frivolous means. Secondly, the Judge ought to have said that it is not a matter of national importance and is a domestic and as such should be covered by Rules within the Press Complaints procedures, hence not having to give substance to the rumour that St Ryan was having his energies sapped on another training ground. If he has been having a sexual relationship with this want- to-be star then it is not for the courts to waste their time with whilst there are gross miscarriages of justice in urgent need of review.

Money does work and makes a mockery of the English legal system. The Sunday Herald headlines showed how the wonderful minds of Lincoln’s Inn are more concerned with taking profit than legitimately representing the concerns of their client. Had they done half a decent job they would have closed the loop-hole by going to Edinburgh and obtaining an equivalent Order there. But they were slack. If the Press Complains authorities are to be believed they could have guaranteed his anonymity at a fraction of the cost and in the time period proscribed.

One complaint I will address at John Hemming. Why were you so silent whilst your friends and colleagues were and are abusing the expenses system in your workplace?

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