Monday 24 June 2013

Spokesman for Britain Muslims...

This devil is being ignored at every ones risk.  Free housing, free education, free health care, money from the British tax payer to promote his filth?
Wake up Britain!  Labour imported three million possible allies of this evil creep and you say nothing.
To say that they do not cost the British Tax payer anything is insidious lies.  Ever one of their families cost us a fortune in education, health, accommodation and every benefit not bestowed on British senior people.

1 comment:

  1. A Muslim walks into his local mosque with a big grin on his face.

    "What are you so happy about, Abdul?" Asks the Imam.

    "Well, I'll tell you," replies Abdul. "I live by the railroad tracks and on my way home last night, I noticed a young woman tied to the rails, like in the American movies. I cut her free and took her back to my humble abode. Allah be praised - we made love all night, all around the tent. We did everything, me on top, sometimes her on top, every position permitted by Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him!"

    "By the most Merciful," exclaimed the Imam, "you have been blessed. Was she as beautiful as a desert flower?"

    Abdul grimaced, "By the Jinn, I do not know - I never found her head."
