Saturday 18 December 2010

Professional Victim

The odium of lies and stolen identity does more damage than honest felt convictions. When I first saw this piece of shit being ‘manhandled’ by robust constables there was something wrong with the picture.

What do I know about mass assembly and public disorder? I first stood on the barricades in Hong Kong in the mid 60’s, practised in Singapore, improved technique in Aden and perfected the routines on the streets of Britain – Belfast, the Shankill and the Ardoynne from September 69. So when I listen to young coppers talk about ‘The Riots’ I laff and shake my head. When I review the brutality of the establishment I do so with a passionate desire to need to know the truth. All too often the pictures do not tally with the words.

For example, when the IRA gunmen were caught by the SAS as they attempted to murder the garrison on Gibraltar, their defenders made much of the evidence that no warning was given, then it was changed to it was whispered. Any drill sergeant could have demonstrated the porosity of the attack on the SAS had the jury been taken into Horse Guards and a series of orders issued in typical military style. The human voice does not carry well and all type of factors restricts the distance. Varying altitude, shape of buildings, climate and background noise, just to mention a few. There are but a very few individuals whose voice carry. Listen to the Parade Marshals as they whisper there ways round Remembrance Sundays much to the irritation of all former Drill Pigs. Drill Instructors spend weeks and months practising carrying the voice, throwing the voice over long distances and very few ever succeed in perfecting the art. There are a very few, Sgt Major John Boulter of the Rhodesian Artillery had one of those thrilling cantors that split valleys and crossed mountains. He was unique, or so he thought, until another arrived who quietened him.

This professional spastic, Jody McIntyre, who put himself in a position that it was impossible for him to be anything but the centre of the recent ‘student riots’, a professional agitator who rants on in Nigger slang with a diatribe of hate against everything he is in reality, is but a product of the ignorance and stupidity of mass indifference and mass ignorance. Students will love him because they are young and have a generosity of spirit that the old have lost. They have also none of the doubts that age and experience fosters. Bless them. Leave them in ignorance whilst they are YOUNG, it does not last.

I drink with an Old Lag who recently had both feet amputated, but who was walking unaided within a few weeks. I used to push another who is turning into a Jody McIntyre and is a professional victim. The stage has been reached where all sympathy to the 'hired victim', the 'professional victim' has gone; the IRA are what they are irrespective of how verbose their hired mouthpieces are, and the bright young minds do not need the poison of a 'self hater' to promote their causes. Sympathy with a person's incapacity only goes so far and when they use it to gain emotional advantage for false indignation and causes, then it is rightly time to say 'idiot'.

The adoption by British youth for Caribbean culture speak is a mimicry which insults the thousands of my Black comrades murdered by Mugabe through public indifference.

1 comment:

  1. If he was a bailiff dressed in a police uniform as the bailiff involved in the illegal death of Andy Miller was, he would have been given tea and bikkies.
