Wednesday 25 August 2010

Government, Catholic Church culpable in terror attack.

The devastation after the first of three bombs planted to cause injury, the quartermaster a Catholic priest.

Cardinal William Conway had talks with the Government about Priest James Chesney, mass murderer.

For those who do not understand that the procession of political involvement in legal and military matters is historic and recent, and has invariably led to a section of the people being disenfranchised - let me explain. That means murderers or more get priority over ordinary decent people. This report is unambiguous and lays the blame for the lack of justice squarely at the feet of William Whitelaw - in the Forces and in Ulster he was known as Willy Whitewash.

William (Whitewash) Whitelaw. Former Deputy PM.

The legacy holds today with the shameful way that the authorities can and do sidetrack interested bodies because of political expedience. It make no difference if it is Hutton or any other of their worthy legal judges, you have to be trained in legalese to understand that the originator of the investigation did not want a resolution that got anywhere near the truth. All the words in the world are meaningless whilst their are victims. (see more in the Mail story) In simple English they are not interested, were not interested. The IRA has cost the British billions of pounds, had a prolonged and one sided look into a British "atrocity" called Bloody Sunday. Not a peep for the thousands of victims of IRA terrorism or the progressive way that they have almost fulfilled their political mandate, the Unification of Ireland.
What is worse, neither is the British public interested.
As with the Iraq and Afghan situations it is only the families of those doing the Governments' dirty work who care.

If the Government meant a word of the fight against international terrorism and international drug regimes they would reinforce the Border Police, arrest every heroin addict and charge them with aiding and abetting in the murder of British service personnel, those killed in the poppy fields of Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Wee Willy Whitelaw,
    Rushin roon the toon,
    In his helicopter,
    Flying up and doon,
    Up tae the Shankhill,
    Doon tae the Falls,
    He was there tae dae,
    Whatever the IRA calls.
