Friday 25 July 2008

Broon modelling for Michaelangelo.

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Put maer Gin in yer tonic, Gordin.
Labour Cullodened in Glasgow east. Within the next eighteen months that will be the same in Blackpool.
Why? Last night I talked to a young man who echoed the derision of youth and the enthusiasm of not having lived through past Labour miseries on the late 60's and mid 70's.
With prospective Conservatives swanning it in deepest Rwanda, now is an ideal time for the youth of the region to kick these fossils in the dangly bits.
Go for it Ben. If you can't find a decent Party to adopt you, follow the lead of the Independent Doctor in the Forest of Dean and go it alone. I think the Conservatives have dropped a clanger with their nominee and I will be doing everything in my power to explain why to the electorate. Already the hierarchy of the local CP(Conservative Party) refuse to debate their situation with anyone not in their local party. Where was that article that say it takes £20K to get a nomination as a CP prospective candidate?

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