Sunday, 6 July 2008

Blackpool Councillors expenses 2007

For those who can read, you will note that the first page is upside down. That is because there are so many anomalies that it's easier to understand if you are sat on your head. I.E Why do so many Councillors take the maximum allowances when it is supposed to be a public service? Out of pocket expenses are understood, but this is supposed to be an estimated expense calculated up to what a councillor MAY have to fork out per annum! And how come so many have exactly the same telephone expenses? Are they all using the same telephone? Have none of them heard of Skype and other free service? Obviously not, otherwise they would not be able to claim!!!

I would query this with one of the local councillors, except that one had forgotten to tell the sitting treasurer of a donation towards election funds, until after the treasurer resigned that is. Nothing illegal there, but the treasurer was someone not prepared to play games with the electorate and fellow potential politicians.

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