Friday 4 July 2008

Bell boys from Blackpool going to Africa.



Mukumbura 02/07/2008 13:13:07

There is a sign in Umtali that reads - the Beach - with an arrow pointing east.
When Peter Walls was head of Tourism, we had wonderful outings in places like Chimoia, listened to the natives singing Mai Whai as the firework display went off all around. Overhead was the continuous drone of aircraft dispatching willing tourist into the camp-sites and the barbecues became part of folklore. Even the Artillery got carried away with the occasion and their were multiple salutes all through the mornings. The hardest part was burying the waste after the festivities. As for the local natives, they didn't have the courtesy to say thank you. Let's hope the Bell Boys have half as much fun, but I doubt it.

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I hope they have taken their jabs!
If you meet any of my friends, lay a flower on their graves. You had best have lots of flowers.
Maneru iche.

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