Saturday 14 April 2012

The Times they are a changing - for the worse

In ancient Blackpool, there is a humanitarian called Harold, who sagaciously pointed this video out.  What this courageous young English lady is saying ought to be the clarion call of every English person, not the preaching of hatred which the immigrants in this film espouse against the interest of the indigenous British.  If political correctness means the denial of this, the harsh realism and truth of what is happening, and worse, what inevitably will come to pass will be the horrifying edifice of Sharia Law and backward education.  There is going to a holocaust in Europe, a terrible acceptance that all these new laws on equality and racial harmony are but a certain nail in the coffin of our, European collective, identities, traditions and cultures.  If you think these sentiments are worth putting me and the millions who think, through life's experiences, as I do, then lock us up and throw away the keys.  
Just remember, that many of us stood and faced terrorism when so many were preaching appeasement.
We have laws which demand, unless in certain cases such as child abuse and rape, the accused can see the face of the accuser.  In this film our society and cultures are being attacked, a young lady is insulted and castigated by ignorance and stupidity by those all to willing to hide their faces for insulting and slavish adherence to a religion that is debase, and be there not a single person in blue to uphold her rights.
If the people of Ancient Blackpool want a Mosque, let them build one next to a Christian Church in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan where Christians are being murdered and intimidated.  A bit like being a Prodestant in Southern Ireland.

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