Tuesday 10 April 2012

Outrage when the Law goes against...

The "Free Immigrants to Hate Us" campaign swings into full disinformation.  A swathe of rhetoric of being British, wanting British Justice to work for perpetrators of hatred and lies when that due process of law is and has always been denied the ordinary, common man on the top of the London bus.
Just because some idiot politician bowed to pressure and deemed that everyone born here is British - a myth perpetrated by the lovers of mass immigration and debased legal logic - it is thought wrongly that pissing on British soil makes you British, which it does not.  The Multibrands and other political lightweights who have bamboozled the ignorant and stupid into accepting them as real political figures ought to be told that their purveying of myth is destroying the equilibrium that we British have fostered over centuries, not the one or two generations they want the indigenous to accept.
The media is loud with the cases of five probable and possible purveyors of hate who are to be 'transported' to the New World to stand trials for crimes spawned in the Old World, so what.
Get onto the halfwit politicians who promulgate ineffectual law whilst never realising and understanding that the US of A NEVER sign to a paper that detracts from any part of their Constitution. If Mr/Mrs Politician cannot discern that, they have no right to sit in Parliament and scrutinise the destruction of laws that have evolved over two thousand sound and often traumatic years.
Our legal system has its roots based in a history established long before an Arab decided to write a book and call it the Qu'ran. It is the educationalist, the politician and the system that is so debased and flawed that allows half baked Romantic Theory to over power logic, intelligence, science and learning.
If fifty years of political experiment has produced a legal system whereby the true British cannot afford justice as in the cases of the Corporate Homicide of Accington father of five Andy Miller, and an illegal immigrant killer of 12 year old Lancashire Lass permitted to hide behind those very rights denied the two Lancashire Families, then the sickness of our time is not worth defending --- as we British people have defend for centuries.
When the immigrant and their supporters shout at the contribution that these immigrants have made to our society, have the courage and conviction to remind them of the true reality. There are too many immigrants that have destroyed the myths, our towns and cities.


  1. Sum court over there is telling US over ere what we shud do, again. The Frog Pres- Sarkosi with the Slapper Madam - just said to his fuzz, get rid and a fistful of wud be killers was gone. Ali Baba, Open Sesame and let the hordes out. Not that theres owt keeping them except for free benefits. Benefits my parents and grandparents fought for but never got.

  2. Careful, Anon. Can't be inciting to truth on my blog!

  3. What is the eu punishment if you send one of these persons back to a place that could abuse there human rights ill tell ya a f k g fine of about 12 grand cant buy a family car for that check it out oops getting angry stay calm dear and return to sender said persons lol

  4. just a thought alot of zimbabys in the north east everyone of them a pastor is that like african for mr

  5. just another thought cant read the letters to be typed when ive had a tipple twitter twats should take note use the system lol

  6. just one more thought what is blackpools use of bailiff action against muslims as we know its against the religeon thursday beheading time foi i think lol

  7. Dear Anon, No police in 'Pool during Samitin. Carnt upset the immigrant ragheads. They still feed on a diet of local lasses and Halal wine laced with coke :)
