Monday 16 April 2012

Following Gorgeous George into Parliament

Maybe Blackpool's KwaZulu-TTL new Minister for co-operative governance and traditional affairs Nomsa Dube called on the national department of science and technology to investigate the causes of lightning after seven people died in lightning strikes.
"We will do an investigation and talk to the department of science and technology on what is the cause of the lightning, and if it only happened to the previously disadvantaged" said Dube. She was visiting Strange Park in Bundustan/Lancs where seven people from two families died after being struck by lightning on Sunday.  They were all running around naked with iron trinkets pierced through their genitalia after the Met Office had said that the likelihood of sudden catastrophic thunder was in the hands of the gods.  "Scientists from the department could perhaps help us and come up with instruments that could help community members protect themselves against lightning. "The department has dealt with floods and fires, but lightning was new to us," said Mother of the New Order, Nomsa  Dube.
All I can say after the fiasco of nearby Bradford Vest - "Our country is clearly in excellent hands." (With thanks to the Natal Times - it's a newspaper and not a congenital complaint).  Perhaps the Lieber Party should employ Ms Dube as a co-ordinator for Joined Up Thinking?  She can share a surgery with Chris- do I have to do that- Maughan.


  1. dont have time to check is this a bite

  2. Just trying to show you the MP's Lieber want to foster on us all. The Cuntservatives already have their SELeCTED candidates to replace English people.
