Thursday 1 March 2012

Why we cannot get Justice

Yates waffles as his evidence destroys for ever the reputation of the British Constabulary.  Watch it live 

In a statement made to an Action Groups for Victims of Bailiff Injustice, Ms Christine Sharples, at that time employed by the Ministry of Justice, was adamant that all actions revolved around the 'investigating authority' - that is in plain English the Police.  As the police are remiss to investigate properly any incident that may show themselves in anything but the most saintly disposition, as we are witnessing as I write, then why is the Director of Public Prosecutions not using their forensic skills to dissect the evidence for real?
If, as I was writing several years ago that Yates appeared not to be a worthy advocate for public safety and justice, his very demeanor is an athema to everyone trying to solicit fairness and justice from a system weighed heavily against 'poor' indigenous victims.
As a section of the community have the buying power to walk into the High Court with dubious writs and other legal moves to silence others, is it not time that true victims had a mentor or a department that took seriously its remit to uphold the Rights of the ordinary Britain against the charge that only illegals - immigrants, thieves and murderers - get due diligence from our ancient Rites?  I need only to mention Christopher Tappin for the system to be indicted as Not Fit for Purpose.


  1. Ena Sharples spoke more sense than Christine Sharples.

  2. Better looking, Violets are my favourites.

  3. There are no eye holes in her hijab.
