Monday 12 March 2012

Black Pool on a Hazy Monday

With Blackpool not knowing what to say or write about, the mess on the Promenade, the wonderful new trams that go only as far as the gates of the horrendously ugly shelter, the facts that many former regular soldiers will not be celebrating the death of the Gasjets favourite local hero and that some former charity workers gave a wry smile at the comments of the leader of the council to this last subject, here is a video that angers every Sandgrown'un.

Have you noticed the speed with which politicians can forget that a massive majority of people do not vote for them?  There has been a legal battle between a recently deceased Councillor and a former senior charity worker which will remain forever unsolved.  It is a shame.  Recent litigation has proven that it is not always the Righteous that Prevail, but those with the deepest pockets.  If a Councillor was a self promoting bag of dog dirt in life, can he be converted in death?  According to everything you read, yes.  Whilst on about Councillors, I wonder if that former Councillor has found the correct bank account into which to deposit donated charity money?

One should not keep digging up the dead, but the report on 25/27 Crystal Road is well worth re visiting. 
This document is in an uncommon format (pdf) but... it contains the verbiage on the above address whose valuation makes you wonder who did the valuing?  The property was valued at £180k but was unfit for human habitation, and strangely the council says the subsequent report into the report is not available for public scrutiny as it is not "in the public interest".  So why not waste more money and have a report into the report about the report into which you are not allowed to air a view?
Let's hope Tuesday gets better.  Would be going to Fleetwood, but the trams have gone.  Not to Fleetwood, but gone.

1 comment:

  1. It has been agreed that the landlord will provide vacant possession upon completion.
    YOU BET HE DID!!!!
    Crystal turns to gold.
