Thursday 15 March 2012

Law and its servants

Lord Leveson had just reminded the world (1540 hrs, Thursday 15th March 2012) that a journalist whilst knowingly in receipt of illegally obtained information cannot use the law to justify an illegal act.  So what difference is it when the Bailiff Industry uses the cosy relationship it has with the Police to usurp and counter the intent of Parliament by permitting, and in some case abetting, the Bailiff Industry in their nefarious activities?
The collection of debt, as serious as it is, cannot justify an illegal act by a body sent to recover that debt.  Police not answering calls from distressed individuals, Sian Meredith as exposed in The Time, cannot then rely on tainted evidence and defence of that illegal act. Surely this is the basis of Justice and Law.  This is identical to the question that Andrew Neill posed to top barrister Michael Mansfield and solicits the identical legal hogwash that brainy(?) lawyers spout.
Lord Leveson has been very gentle with Alastair Brett (former adviser in law to The Times) and Brett has, in football parlance, taken a shoeing.  Would it be that the MoJ could take such a look at itself because it is failing dismally in its attempts to live up to it remit. It is about time that someone (in or at the Ministry of Justice) gets hold of the Oxford English dictionary and look up the word Justice.

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