A government commissioner
asked to advise on a British Bill of Rights is expected to resign in
protest later after accusing the commission of ignoring the wishes of
the prime minister and most Conservative MPs.
Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky is one of eight commissioners brought together in March last year by the government to fulfil a pledge in the Coalition Agreement to "investigate" a British Bill of Rights "incorporating and building on the European Convention on Human Rights". A month previously, Prime Minister David Cameron had said it "was about time we started making sure decisions are made in this Parliament rather than in the courts".
The issue of who has the final say over rulings of the European Court of Human Rights - Parliament or the court - has divided the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats for a number of years.
But after 12 months of deliberation, Conservative commissioner Dr Pinto-Duschinsky sent an e-mail to the chairman of the Commission on a Bill of Rights, Sir Leigh Lewis, in which he raised his concerns that the views of Mr Cameron and the "overwhelming majority of Parliamentarians" were being ignored.
The MoJ called to London a group of victims of Bailiff illegality, promised to listen to them and promised to close the loop-hole that allows massive and now rich bailiff companies to obstruct, break and completely ignore the laws that govern the ordinary citizen.
It appears that Ken Clark is getting it wrong on everything from RAPE to the MURDER of a VETERAN. Our MP's are still unsuitably silent on these illegal actions and are showing the backbone that pacifists showed to this nation just before WWII. Every excuse under the Sun is being offered and now even the MoJ staff are abandoning their posts, like Italian cruise ship captains, to get more money from Bailiff companies for their expertise.
If you walk down any street and walk into the doggie dooh, you tread it all over your best carpet. This is what the MoJ is doing with the law, rights and legitimacy of ordinary peoples legal rights. Dr Pinto-Duschinsky has experienced what others from the Hillsborough Families to the relatives of Andy Miller are enduring with this insidious sinecure.
IS IT NOT A CRIMINAL OFFENCE TO SELL, GIVE CIGARETTES TO UNDER AGE KIDS? I wonder if any senior politicians cum lawyers do this? Answers please on an email to your local MP.
The childcatcher Clark is running out of puff.