Monday 3 October 2011

Press Release- Demo against illegal bailiff actions

Long suffering victims of Judicial and administrative injustice will be taking their grievance to the historic heart of English rule, tomorrow morning from 7.30 am. (Tuesday October 4th)

Whilst bailiffs breakfast and dine their paymasters (the Ministry of Justice) inside the Tower Hotel (Tower Bridge). locked outside will be the harangued and ignored victims of outrageous malfeasance. The malpractice of the Ministry of Justice and their employees the bailiffs, which has left at least one victim prematurely dead, needs not the cosy relationship of equals, but clearly defined and enforced regulation and rank.
The long promised consultation into bailiff regulation has evaporated into the mists, hence the cynical avoidance of responsibility to the public at large.
So, unregulated bailiffs can freely continue their incestuous affair that possibly squeezes £200 million more out of minor offenders than that prescribed by Parliament. Yet Parliament does, as it says on the label, nothing.
Victims suffer and their families suffer. The damage done to the vulnerable, the mentally ill, the disabled and children is incalculable
And the machinery called Justice turns counter to that intended by tradition and decency. Money usurps Right and Power corrupts absolutely. Innocent victims have their property illegally ceased whilst an ignorant and compliant police service argues over whether the deed was criminal or civil. There is nothing civil about a bailiff, dressed in police blue and wearing a stab jacket, threatening to take a child’s belongings because the bailiff company could not or would not test the veracity of the information provided. Where is the Duty of Care to the victim? It is going into the wage slips of illegally operated mobsters.
The Victims may not have the support of the establishment, but they certainly have the heart and goodwill of the fair minded, informed public.
Media coverage is invited especially as ITV are broadcasting a documentary covering these issues - Exposure to be shown on all ITV channels at 10.35pm on October 17th 2011
Details of the Marston sponsored networking event to be held in The Tower Hotel - under the Tower Bridge
London on Tuesday October 4th 2011.
Victims will be on The Tower Bridge from 7.30am until lunchtime on Tuesday October 4th

This email has been sent to all local MP's and some Blackpool Councillors. Gordon Marsden will be hiding in Brighton and Simon Blackburn will be wondering why a Blackpool family is angry at the untimely death of one of their senior members. Even Donkey Wallopers have feelings, Simon!

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