Thursday 8 August 2013

Looking after Veterans - not when we can look after the World...

I heard the 'bongo bongo' talk today.

What I want to know is: what will the government do for me? I have been unemployed for 12.5 months. Unemployment benefit paid was £33 for 6 months only (£792) Running out of money, mortgage to pay, bills to pay, income is £378 war pension, can't get a job because I am over qualified, no jobs in this area for me, even delivering prescriptions on minimum wage (which is a social service as I see it).

I am going down the drain fast and we still give immigrants houses, what about when I loose mine? What will the government do then?

Pass that on to your UKIP friend!

Because I am fucked, if they think that giving aid to other countries will stop terrorism, wait until I lose my house, I will have nothing else to loose and have only claimed for 6 months in my life (£378 sure i used to pay that monthly) time having paid in for 29 years, is that fair? I do not think so.

I have got a job today, 0 hours contract, fucking brilliant! 

Ps did you do aiden? I met someone recently that did too.

[Redacted] (1 pissed off ex service man)

The above was a letter I received from a former comrade.  My advise to him is to wrap a rag round your head, change your name to Mohammed and tell the Joke centre you're an Iman from Amman and you're seeking political arseylum.  Even locked up Kiddie Fiddlers get better treatment than many disabled Vets.  Donate to Ssafa and the Royal British Legion to keep their officers in the luxury (according to surveys) they have become accustomed too.

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