Wednesday 17 October 2012

Vote for your Police Commissioner - I don't thnk

Don't forget, you have the RIGHT to say F*ck Off to this rigged election.  Just write across your ballot paper, NONE OF THE ABOVE if you so wish.

If this lunacy has been dreamt up by politicians it will be corrupt mainly because they've made putting ordinary people up for the post so expensive that only the main political parties can afford it.  A bit smelly, what?


  1. Does anybody think the new Police Cover up Commissioner will put at the top of his list the cover up over the murder of Andy Miller?

  2. Andy Who? Murder!?!? Next you'll be reminding us all to pay the Paedophile Tax - sorry BBC licence fraudfreefee...Licence fee.

  3. The BBC News channel has just displayed images of three of the women who've claimed to have been tinkered with by Sir Jimmy Savile in his dressing room. They showed a current picture of each woman and a picture taken of each of them in the '70s: the caption read - Now then, now then, now then.....
