Sunday 7 October 2012

Liebers new dictionary

There are 619.000 millionaires in Britain(taken from the Red Book).   
Up to   8000  will receive a cheque from the Inland Revenue to the value of  £40.000 ?  So says Ed Multibrands.  

Can anyone decipher this gobbledegook from Lieber as it makes not the slightest piece of sense nor reason?  Lieber Leader Tedward, himself a millionaire according to dictionary definitions, will also be receiving a £40k bonus?

Tedward played the envy card without thinking of what he was saying.  Just like Broon with no more BOOM AND BUST.  Or the billions of pounds wasted on the Lease Lend of PFI for your grandchildren?  Yet millions will vote for these morons in the next elections?  What a catastrophe!

In the meantime, whilst the Government is palpably incompetent, Lieber still cannot accept their own fiscal failings.

1 comment:

  1. The pound in your pocket will still be worth the same-Harold Wilson on devaluation 1967.
