Friday 22 April 2011

Leaflet attacks sitting Councillors

The Lunatic Season of worthless elections is about to happen. With only a tiny proportion of the electorate even bothered to vote, the instant reaction of the VICTORS will be to declare a victory for democracy. The only true democracy is within the anonymous leaflet which hopefully will end the careers of all present political figures within the ruling elite of Blackpool.

One blog Phil the One has covered this subject and is well worth a few minutes to peruse.

I can only reiterate what the authors of this honest epistle wish, that the subjects of this leaflet are made to account for their posturing and questionable stances whilst holding office within the town. I also fear that electorate disapproval will be seen as a vindication for that evil and sick group called the Labour Party.
Blackpool needs and deserves a council which will work for the future of the town and not a self indulgent group of people who appear to have benefited to quite a financial degree.
At the last election I voted for a complete outsider even though I am a lifetime Conservative. Why can't I say "None of the above" on my ballot paper to register my disgust at the candidates? Is that because
probably that sentiment will be echoed by a majority in the ballot booth?

Someone has the nerve to challenge the Councillors, and they don't like it. Well done and do you want a donation towards your expenses?


  1. Shambley is the only Boxer worth voting for.
    Postal vote c/o Wigan.

  2. He used to be a member of the Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Royal Marine Association. Maybe that's why he stood for the BNP? The stench of hypocrisy was enough to send any former "boxing" champion into apoplexy, let alone far from the tolls of the campanology arseholes.
