Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Islamic extremists London spoonfed

There are many sides to this story. In the UK the state has set in place a method of determining whether veterans are entitled to benefits earned in service to their country, whilst terrorists are mollycoddled by a system that appears to give them tacit support.

To Blair, Brown, Cameron and Miliband, it is our kith and kin that is being maimed and killed in YOUR wars abroad.

The most pressing war, that against the alienation of this once great nation, you ignore. All the time there are radical elements training and advancing their capabilities whilst our defences are becoming less capable and sanitised.

Amplify’d from www.telegraph.co.uk

WikiLeaks: Guantánamo Bay terrorists radicalised in London to attack Western targets

Abu Qatada and Abu Hamza, two preachers who lived off state benefits after
claiming asylum, are identified by the American authorities as the key
recruiters responsible for sending dozens of extremists from throughout the
world to Pakistan and Afghanistan via London mosques.

The leaked documents, written by senior US military commanders at Guantánamo
Bay, illustrate how, for two decades, Britain effectively became a crucible
of terrorism, with dozens of extremists, home-grown and from abroad,
radicalised here.

Finsbury Park mosque, in north London, is described as a “haven” for
extremists. United States intelligence officials concluded the mosque served
as “an attack planning and propaganda production base”.

The files will raise questions over why the Government and security services
failed to take action sooner to tackle the capital’s reputation as a staging
post for terrorism, which became so established that the city was termed

The documents show that at least 35 detainees at Guantánamo had passed through
Britain before being sent to fight against Allied forces in Afghanistan. This is thought to be more than from any other Western nation.

Read more at www.telegraph.co.uk


  1. Abu: isn't that a Swedish pop group?

  2. He was/is the Thief of Dadsbag...and your and mine pensions...

  3. Guantánamo? wasn't that the Indian who surrendered to General Miles in 1886?
    Or was that Geronimo?
