Saturday, 24 April 2010

Labour MP runs from irate veteran

1630 hours Saturday April 24th 2010. Lennox Court, Blackpool.
Gordon Marsden beats a hasty advance to the rear from an irate constituent on Lennox Court.

Let them spin this any way they wish. When invited to spend just two minutes to understand why they, the political classes, are immensely hated, Gay Gordon left it two two of his puppets and quietly slid, like some swamp pest, into the distance. Then puppet junior decided to question irate veteran instead of listening. One more word and junior puppet was within a mentally deficient utterance of needing dental treatment. All the while Marsden confirmed a lie to his propaganda pamphlet that he is concerned for the plight of disabled veterans. Like all politician of the Con-Lab Lib conspiracy, they are concerned only for themselves.
What sh*tes these political figures are. And some veterans will vote for this dross because of family dogma. Try questioning them instead of listening. It is they who are supposed to represent us, and it is we who have upheld our part of our contract with them, in return for nothing. And Marsden cannot give one of his own constituents two whole minutes. Evil bastards.


  1. Danger of disembowelling by doughty disabled veteran!!

  2. See Gay Gordon avoided your corner of the heterosexual globe. You can't get arrested for threatening and attacking geriatrics, but have a poof as your MP and you're buggered. Oohh1 Thank you, Duckie. Kiss the back of my masculine neck...

  3. I hope he inserts something in my letterbox. xxx
    The Vicar of Woodbury.
