Tuesday 27 April 2010

Conservative propaganda

Measures that Need to be; taken from the Conservative blog. (click)

It reads: At the end of the day what all elected representatives, and I obviously count myself in this number, must acknowledge is that we exist to serve the people that voted for us, they are our true bosses and they are most certainly not here to serve us. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel that this important fact is often forgotten or worse conveniently ignored.

Those are the words that Councillor Ron Bell print on his site.  Now compare that with a letter sent to his Association about himself and others in an alleged cabal.

click on above to enlarge and read
That situation led to a whole tranche of former regulars Royal Marines leaving the Association and their attempt to form an association was thwarted by the RMA head office where Ron Bell had himself ensconced as a Trustee.  So much for Once a Marine!

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