Sunday 11 April 2010

Blackpool Conservative get on their bus

The Blackpool campaign has started with less than a whimper. For once the Conservatives have found a use for a Blackpool Corporation bus, but typically it does not involve carrying passengers. It is blazen with party slogans and support for their candidate, a man who has a record of getting into cabals and sinecures, who brandished his credentials as a JP as if he was a demigod, but when you check his record stands up to nothing. He and the Labour blond make good bed-fellows. In 13 years Labour has done nothing tangible for Blackpool, except watch this once wonderful town become increasing family unfriendly.

I wonder who is running the Conservative campaign. On their website they say absolutely nothing about local affairs whilst the entire town is biting at the bit over the awful Town Centre development, lack of public transport in the evenings, loss of routes and the unacceptable policing of busses when the school mafia make their way back to what they would call homes – and some want to give 16 year olds a vote. What a great disconnect between reality and what the Conservatives are not talked about. In the next days they will paint the town hall pink – as suggested by that First Class traveller Councillor Ian Fowler, ignore the burdening debt as the higher paid salaries of Council Executives spiral into the ridiculous. Or is it Councillor Manure who insulted the veterans in Rhyl with his patronising disrespect for others history, with the only olive branch offered is for veterans to be given a piece of tin, the Veterans Badge. Veterans should not need badges, nor should we need to exhibit medals won to have respect earned. If Councillor Fowler wants to give special privilege to homosexuals and lesbian groups because they are endangered minorities, how endangered and how special a minority are those who actually fixed bayonets and charged into a massed ranks of enemy that was intent on killing them?

It is all well and good to insult veterans, the removal of serviceman’s Pension under the 1975 Social Security and Pensions Act went unchallenged, but now again Labour is repeating this act of mass theft but with Civil Servant’s the target group, it has become not a nice exercise. The silence from Blackpool conservatives on these issues is a damning clarity at the awareness of local politics. The Civil Service is the second largest local employer after the tourist industry and they are handling the issues with as much imagination as they have the tourist trade. Apart from increasing costs and employing more executives to tell us what we already know, they have come up with nothing new. Tell the truth about the state of local politics and you are pillioried on the limited and partisan attitudes of second rate - I have been told I class them too highly - conservative-labour-libdem politicians.

Why is the Conservative candidate suspect? In local council expenses returns his telephone bill was identical, I repeat identical to that of his brother and fellow Conservative Councillor. How can that be? Apart from showing a complete lack commercial intelligence especially with a plethora of telephone packages available from the likes of Car Phone Warehouse, Skype and many others, the fact that two councillors who are brothers and live in separate houses can have identical telephone accounts is rancid. With MP’s expense still clear in everyone’s minds, this simple example of injudicious accountancy hits a raw nerve. I have more to ask.

What is missing is an agenda of public consultation or old fashioned hustings. I cannot see the conservative candidate allowing me and my evidence to be part of a public platform of scrutiny.

This is not about Labour. Those who voted this illegal, immoral and thorough disgusting party into office over the past 13 years should consider their sanity.


  1. Is there a first class seat on that bus for Counc Fowler;and is it powered by hot air?

  2. Splendid rant. The local Conservatives are desperate and dangerous, especially First Class Fowler.

  3. Unfortunately there is still no NOTA on our balot papers. So what price true democracy?
