Thursday 16 April 2009

Tops Jobs more important than patients

clipped from

Secret filming nurse struck off

A nurse who secretly filmed for the BBC to reveal the neglect of elderly patients at a hospital has been struck off for misconduct.
Margaret Haywood

Margaret Haywood, 58, filmed at the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton for a BBC Panorama programme in July 2005.

blog it
Not an apology for exposing the dire strait that some hospitals function under, but a whipping dog for the pathetically inept management of some NHS Trusts.
This is what Labour stands for, because no matter how you address this situation it is an obvious political assassination of an individual exposing the truth about the Nation State.
I take on board the privacy of the patients, and their need for such, but I would prefer them to get decent nursing and good care when they have no-one except the state to care for them.
So what has happened to the top managers who allowed the appalling state of the hospital to occur? A huge pension and a slap on the back for finally starting what the BBC Panorama programme had to expose - for the benefit of those who cannot speak for themselves?
Under this type of management we are all damned.


  1. Once again we see conscientious and caring employee crushed under the jackboot of Big Brother who can spy on you but not you on them. Labour and the Tories are coexecuters in blame for the state of affairs as the bumbling Brownshirts coerce and plot the downfall of exposers of their inefficiency and the Tories through the legacy of Thatcher's ruthless crushing of workers rights.

  2. Thatcher? She died last century. Blair and Brown have done as much to destroy human rights as the British polpolace by allowing them.

  3. There are plenty of human rights for illegal immigrants along with bountiful benefits for border breakers and trainee traitors.
