Thursday 16 April 2009

British traitors.

clipped from

British bomber 'fighting

for the Taliban against

British soldiers'

The sample matched with a database of UK terror suspects and confirms mounting fears that British nationals are now fighting alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The DNA sample was taken from an roadside bomb that was diffused by bomb disposal experts in Helmand Province.

Recent intelligence reports show that rising numbers of home-grown jihadists have joined the Taliban so they can kill British soldiers.

New threat: British forces patrol the Helmand town of Musa Qala in Southern Afghanistan. There is now proof that British nationals are joining the Taliban
blog it
The traitors are those in Westminster who give these mass murderers security of a British passport - yet argue over the nationality of children of British heroes born in British Military Hospitals overseas.
Are you listening Westminster? That is rhetorical because they are not.

1 comment:

  1. The entrance to number 10 should be renamed Traitors Gate.
