Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Phantom deleter at work in Blackpool Press

In the 1960's the government allowed massive immigration rather than challenge the problems of declining industry with modernisation. The result was twofold, the loss of industry abroad to cheap labour countries and ghetto Britain with millions of immigrants as in Germany and other European Countries.

In 1975 the Labour Government stole the pensions from thousands of servicemen and the country was silent. Today it happened to most other workers and there is anxiety. No-one listened to the warning voices of reason from Brits working abroad. The scream is for cheap housing and social homes, but hardly a worry about infrastructure incapable of carrying the excess; water, waste and electricity. It is almost too late to talk whilst you vote for self interested politicians. Conservatives (according to Channel 4) have their trust funds, Labour have their few overpaid Union Moguls. They are both the same reflection from the Mirror of Horrors, but few can see it. (read Gazette)

The Blackpool Gazette allows deletion before anyone can contribute into today's major story. That is a marker to the Free Press!

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