Wednesday 10 June 2009

Politicians shame the nation.

At 1230 today, the much discredited Prime Minister stood up and many of his party immediately retired to their subsidised lunches and cheap drinks. Almost immediately the PM started to dictate to Parliament what he wanted, and his answers to others comments showed that irrespective of what spin he managed on Monday night, he definitely does not know how to listen.

I have great experience of this, especially in the past decade with a Member of Parliament with whom I have no parallels of thought, lifestyle, aspiration or desires. For almost all my life I have wanted and still insist that I have a representative who will uphold his mandate with me, and hopefully you, to hold the executive to account. Gordon Marsden has never once voted against a wholly corrupt and reprehensible government. How can this be right when this government has forced through some of the most hideously inept legislation – a law making process that has been calmed only by the geriatrics in the Lords?

Labour wants to bring the age of voting down to 16. They already rely greatly on the immigrant vote and now want the immature and illogical to dictate legislation from the crib. It is bad enough that citizenship is almost freely given to anyone who can hide from the police after illegally entering this country for several years, but now the once powerful force of British righteousness is being forced to mean that your voice is less heard than the immigrant children who committed mass murder recently in London. And if the PC Brigade would have us believe, in our name.

Whilst the fiddlers in Corruptminster pontificate on how to diddle more off the taxpayer, simple means to expedite are being ignored for political expedience. The instant the electorate have disquiet with their suspect Member, and I don’t mean a penis that doesn’t work, if they can raise 5% signatures in their constituency they ought to be able to challenge their MP to stand against a challenger. Also, if the MP decides he/she is not happy with their masters and changes whip, again not a joke, they ought to be made to put their decision to their electorate. And if an MP is sent down for more than a couple of weeks, the electorate again should be allowed to challenge them through the ballot box.

All this was so predictable 8 years ago when Labour tried to destroy their own policeman – just a play on words – Elizabeth Filkin with their hideous and libellous attack on her private life. Her nemesis in chief was Keith Vaz who now sits as head of one of the major and most ineffectual offices of Parliament, and Labour think he’s a good man. Your mental corruption and single mindedness is astoundingly grotesque. Have the courage to demand standards higher than the gutter where the likes of Mandelson and his cohorts dwell.

Have courage, Members of Parliament. Stop paying Sinn Fein boodles of our dosh for trying to destroy our nation. If they cannot attend then they cannot draw their no blood money. If you cannot sit through the summer recess to solve what is a simple domestic problem, resign en mass and let the electorate decide for you, or are you so terrified of that whip man?

1 comment:

  1. Some of our erstwhile MP's of a certain sexual preference might like Mr Whippy!
