Monday 15 June 2009

Laugh of the Day in Blackpool

Taken from the Ron Bell relaxed use of the English language:

3. Finally, our elected representatives should demonstrate leadership and refuse to travel First Class. Not only would this result in significant savings it would more importantly acknowledge that they understand the concerns of the electorate regarding public spending and the need to “tighten our belts” something that they seem well able to preach yet unable to practice.
At the end of the day what all elected representatives, and I obviously count myself in this number, must acknowledge is that we exist to serve the people that voted for us, they are our true bosses and they are most certainly not here to serve us. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel that this important fact is often forgotten or worse conveniently ignored.

I bet he never cleared this piece with Councillor Ian Fowler. And there is a whole group of former regular Royal Marines who would dispute the last statement. As both a Bootneck and a devout Conservative, I find this choice of candidate worrying.

Needless to say I will be doing everything I can to make sure this town rejects him and his loose, nay, politicians form of speak. Blackpool get's what it deserves. It deserves a better pair of parties than Labour and Conservative.

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