Tuesday 16 October 2007

The God freaks are at it again

clipped from www.guardian.co.uk

An influential inquiry into the future of Britain's abortion laws will begin today amid controversy over an apparent attempt by faith-based organisations to skew the balance of evidence presented to the committee of MPs.

At least eight submissions of written evidence have come from medical professionals who have not disclosed their membership of Christian groups opposed to abortion on faith grounds. Six of the doctors are members or activists with the Christian Medical Fellowship, an organisation that has given its own evidence to the inquiry.

the unusual step of writing to all those who gave evidence asking them to disclose their links to any relevant organisations
science spokesperson, said: "This inquiry is specifically about the scientific evidence not moral or religious arguments and our witnesses need to be evidence-led not ideologically or theologically driven
The CMF risk undermining the inquiry by getting people called as expert scientific witnesses when they are not
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