Wednesday 28 January 2015

Met Police end bailiff STOP cooperative operations

Room 1111
New Scotland Yard
10 Broadway
Telephone: 020 7230 2029
Your ref:
Our ref:
16 December 2014

Dear Sir / Madam

Update - Cessation of Police roadside operations in partnership with bailiffs

Thank you for contributing at the workshops about joint police and bailiff roadside operations. The review team are very grateful for your involvement in this process. 

The ANPR Bureau was asked to examine this issue in more detail and report back to the ANPR Programme Board. Having taken into account the legal position, stakeholder input, trust and confidence in the police and frontline policing practices, the Met will no longer undertake roadside operations with bailiffs. We trust this brings the matter to a conclusion for all involved.

Further communications about the engagement process and findings will be published in due course.

Yours faithfully

Commander Richard Martin

This letter has been sent to all Bailiff Companies and is a result of concerned citizens expressing their legal view that these type of activities were/are illegal.

This letter does not remove from Police Authorities the legal obigations they have towards the numerous victims of a system that abused its powers for almost two decades.  There are too many victims of this abuse of system - to mention purposely the resulting Death of Accrington veteran and former publican Andy Miller - that precipitated the Met being presented with a dossier of 1500 cases of illegal cooperation dated from last March 2014 alone.  The resulting court cases could financially cripple the Met Police for a long time to come.

That is why it is so necessary that people going about their legitimate businesses must have certainty that the Police understand their obligations and fulfil them.  The abuse of powers for the criminal prevention body must never be allowed by drip or ignorance, to jump, boots and all, into the freezing murky waters of civil litigation.  

Powers, given by Parliament through legislation, especially the much under enforced Malfeasance in Public Office Laws, should be rigorously adhered to so that the "Man on the....bus", can be reassured that the vested interest of Corporate Bodies do not dilute the Rights of the legitimate subjects of this Once Great Nation.

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