Saturday 26 January 2008

More defence of the indefensible!

clipped from

MPs can't distinguish right from legal

Peter Hain has made history: his is the first British ministerial scalp to have been claimed by a blogger. Kudos, as the Americans say, to Guido Fawkes, who first sighted his tomahawk at the Hain campaign 12 months ago when he posted Hain's campaign strategy. In other respects, though, this has been a traditional resignation: the minister clinging on until the last possible moment, the PM declaring "full confidence" in his man, the press piling detail on detail, none monstrous in itself, until the cumulative impression was of overwhelming tawdriness.

 blog it
When Labour lackies kowtow to the same lie that Peter Hain has only been 'incompetent', they are just adding to the general conviction that they are now as corrupt as the donkeys in the Conservative Party.
You cannot promulgate law, have the the very first sentence of the Act to instruct you to do something, then completely ignore that instruction for what ever insidious reason you, as a Parliamentarian, deems ok. That is corruption in it's most base form.
Now how about Harriet Harmon, Wendy Alexander, Peter Mandlesohn and all the other Labour grandees with selective memories?

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