Sunday 4 November 2007

Drugs in the Forces

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Alarming Rise In Defence Force Drug Use":

Colonel Blimp (Patrick Mercer) believing "There’s nothing more important to troops than a medal" and "To have a chest full of medals and to be in a prestigious fighting unit is the business" voted for the invasion of Iraq regardless of the fact, he also believed, Iraq was not a threat and had no connection with terrorists.

However, he said that if we want peace (we already had peace) then we must have war and with that war came the threat of terrorist attacks upon this nation, according to a minister, for the next thirty years.

The troops knew that it was not the will of the people to invade Iraq, they were fighting for their very lives because it was the will of the likes of Mercer and when they became few so that it looked like they would have to be withdrawn never wanting to die in the unnecessary illegal and unwarranted invasion of Iraq, Mercer requested a guarantee of more "boots and bayonets" but the box of soldiers was already empty, they would have to do and die.

So, it came about that the only solution was to test positive for drug use and since the start of 2006 more than 1,500 have tested positive and lost the chance of a chest full of medals, crippled for life, nightmares and mental illness, but they get to keep their lives, along with the experience that their lives will all ways be spent like small coin by any politician with an agenda or money grabbing corporate bastard that feels it serves their best interests .

Notyetavet replies: The only concern I have with this letter is that the contributor decided to remain anonymous. I was against the invasion long before it happened although I had no qualms, if during the First Gulf War, the allied troops had then removed Sadam. It is the dithering and inconsistency of politicians that really boils human blood. It is also the unsustainably stupid standpoints of MP's like Mercer.

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