Thursday, 17 December 2015

The price of bad Governance

No newspaper reports can tell the whole horrors of war.  Whilst I sometimes sympathise with those Anti-War professionals, I do so only that I am against War but not anti-military. I wrote to every MP, thanks to email, with my concerns that the Gulf War was illegal. To which I received not a single reply.

I have read that over 500 known Syrian excursionist have returned to the safe haven of the UnUnited Kingdom and there is absolutely nothing the Government is doing about it. Second generation immigrants are out purchasing the tools with which to assassinate British subjects, and we are ordered not to raise our angst's in case we transgress the ill conceived Race Laws or worse Hate Laws.

If we have learned anything from the trials of Ulster it is that unless we defeat terrorism militarily, they will eventually rule in the Parliament that appeased their murderous intent.

Whomever opened the doors to mass immigration in this tiny set of island MUST be brought to task and exposed as the architects of the most vile capitulation of Culture and Ethnicity to a pseudo religion that wants to destroy our every existence.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Aussie voice against terrorism

The Aussies are descended from Britons who defied the Gobshite Ruling Elite, albeit over two centuries ago.  Today they retain their wonderfully resilient and defiant attitudes whilst defended THEIR inheritance.

One day the 56 indigenous million Brits may recall all the abuse history heaped upon us.  Do we need our pockets picked and our benefits; which my parents nor myself in my youth did not have an entitlement to: stand by as cowardly politicians give them over to every potential terrorist who sneaks into the country?  

The bias taught in the classrooms by the Socialist Indoctrinators defiling OUR history will eventually lead to more atrocities.  All the time, semi-literate Mullahs reinforce a brand of hatred that Westerners should not be subjected to, from Religious bastions where English is not the primary language. They sit in the heart of British cities, towns and Shires, immune from prosecution and defended by the Race Relations Industry. Compare that to any Briton who dares raise an eyebrow or a murmur of angst as the country overflows with immigrants for whom we have to provide with FREE housing, FREE education, FREE medical needs over and above those who have always subscribed into the system!

Let's get real and have the courage to look up at the reality of the devastation promised by the grotesque Ayatollahs!