Friday 21 September 2012

Pt 6. Questions need answers

I have taken this section below from the Mail blog to corroborate what I have been saying since I started to write my own blog. The questions are simple but illustrative of the malaise that the System relies on to confuse and hoodwink the Masses.

Final thoughts
It would be neat to end with the thought that such deaths as Mark Evison’s, and the mutilations of so many, must lie on uneasy consciences but, as the first article in this series explained, there are no people in the MoD to take the responsibility.  Our men and women are killed and mutilated, it will be said, by ‘The System’ – intangible, inhuman, inhumane and unaccountable.
        The coroners find the deaths from IED-ambushes to be “unlawful killing” but have yet to name ‘The System’ as complicit and to state clearly that it is an accessory to unlawful killing.  Yet for the last five years the clear message from the MoD to the Taliban has been:
“We shall continue to send out our boys on foot patrol without air cover – you know that – and you will continue to kill them with ambushes of daisy-chained mines and snipers – and we know that.  So, okay, business as usual.” 
 – while ultra-low-cost air Buddy Cover for foot patrols and road convoys has been persistently refused by the MoD.  Is this not more than Criminal Negligence?  Is this not Collusion with the Enemy? (read all)


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