Wednesday 22 June 2011

Blackpool Sky at Night

The Wendy Lewis Playground. Can someone tell us what all this means?

Hamburgers. 55,000 DEAD?
Wasn't the freezer cold enough or had someone forgot to plug it in?

Is that what eating fatty meat does?

Or is this a subliminal message to those aliens flitting around from Mars?

If it is supposed to have something to do with the RAF Raids on an enemy city during WWII, then it is insulting to the survivors of London, Coventry, Portsmouth, Glasgow and all the other British towns and cities that were attacked by the Luftwaffe during the War. It is also a double insult to the young British airmen who died by the thousands delivering retribution to a regime that was mass murdering its way across the European Continent - or is that something that the PC Brigade want to eradicate from recent history?
Has no-one taught today's youth that Uncle Adolf was only cheated by time and the efforts of a generation willing to sacrifice everything so that we could remain free, building missiles that devastated London well into 1945. Russia sacrificed millions of its own subjects and was for a short period our ally, not the people of Germany. It is not unreasonable to speculate that Germany was only a short time off developing its own atomic weaponry and together with its advances deliver system, the VII rocket, could have changed the fate of history.

Or should we all parade under the Pink Flag, dressed in our finest frocks and be grateful that the Cabals allow us to look at the Promenade?

If you are interested there has been nothing about this "PARTY" on the FESLC web site, so it appears that the CIC now runs the FESLC, which may or may not have been the intention of the directors all along?


  1. It won't be long until they knock it down to build the Gay Village or put up a memorial to Bobby(slimmer of the year)Sands.

  2. Paint it Pink and put a Rag round the summit. Five choruses of Cum BUy Yar drugs here. Wot the fuck is all this shit about!?!
    Wendy Lewis park. had to stop for a short intake of mirth. Just on mi way to get a tram to Fleetwood. 2016 HOOHOO HOO. Wendy Lewis Park. Fucking hilarious

  3. It should be called Jerry Lewis Park.

  4. Without his Deano, the feslc fokkers is more Morecambe and Unwise

  5. Wendy Lewis sings little old wine drinker me.
