Friday 30 July 2010

Blackpool blogger returns - welcome

Phil the One is back on his Blackpool blog

Now do not mince your words, Phil. Councillor Callow may or may not have visited his daughter at rate payers expenses, first class on overpriced Rail. Councillor Fowler, the one who so often visited his Ward that he did not know that Waterloo Road was/is an A road, nor that the proposed walkway would ruin some prestigious businesses, certainly travels FIRST CLASS on rail.
You are only a common councillor Ian. You are elected to represent your ward, not laud over it. That overstretched business man with his excessive rates bills is your master, not your servant. If you disagree with his argument, confront him and debate it with him but never hit him with a fait accompli. When the last businessman has left your ward because he is sick of the crippling local costs, who will subsidise your jaunts to the Big City?
Not me. You've already proved your lack of worth.

Is there anyone out there prepared to stand against these established parties? It is time we started now to get rid of them all and gave the council to the people.

1 comment:

  1. "First Class Fowler" will be able to get another travel freebie- on the Big One courtesy of Thompson Travel.
    A good view can be observed from the scaffold.
