Sunday 7 February 2010

Public servants and the Law

When is a thief not a thief?
When he/she claims Parliamentary privilege.
What fatuous dross. No man is above the law and it was Parliament - the sole maker of modern law - that introduced the Theft Act 1968 with its wording, for once, quite clear. Unless you reinvent- redefine nemo est supra legis (no-one is above the law), you must accept proportionality within all modern legislation, its' construction and each factor that evolved from Common Law and which has resulted in this idiocy of codified law.
As Lord Carswell was trying to explain to the Nobles and Greater Minds in his maiden speech to the Lords, the more you write down legislation, especially that forced upon us over the past decade, badly drafted and feebly scrutinised, all you will do is sow the seeds of an industry of wordsmiths who will unpick the desire and intention of Parliament.
The fact that the man on the Blackpool promenade cannot understand this profound premise leaves me cold and fearful of the future.
Ignorance and stupidity will reign, even more than it does now.