Tuesday 16 February 2010

A foot soldiers song

A Blue Job, for those who think dirty, is Air Force. A Brown Job is not a pile of sh*t, that's your MPs. A BJ is the foot soldier, the RLI, RAR, RR and others.

If you think that the war in Afghanistan is unique, then remember the Russians tried it with disastrous consequences. Every mistake being made today we experienced in Rhodesia in the 70s. The exception being there was no pot of young men able to fill the void as our casualties escalated. That dour, foul country now called Zimbabwe was the finest country on Earth, made great by the hard work of selfless expats from Britain. Do you understand or even care of the calibre of those that Labour import to give credibility to the calumny of their deceitful intentions?

If everyone is so phased with the heroin and terrorism why do they not deport the likely perpetrators back to their Valhalla in the mountains and arrest all the celebrity dope users for complicity in the killing of our young soldiers and airmen? Why not parade the drug users on November 11th each year before the Cenotaphs of this country and allow the veterans their say in their outcome? Some of the beautiful people would not be so worshipped then.

1 comment:

  1. Brown,Cameron and the other chap,whom nobody can remember his name, couldn't lace the well polished shoes of Ian Smith,who had more of the good old British values than these devalued opportunists.
