Monday 28 December 2009

Muslims marching and threatening in Newport

If the soft minded Liberal intelligentsia cannot see the intimidation in this crowd, then 7/7 was and is the worst case of mass suicide in this country.
I keep reiterating that I am not a BNP supporter, but at least they have the courage to bring these incidents to public knowledge. A few days after a fruit cake tried to murder a plane load of ordinary travellers, it might be timely to remind everyone the religious leaning of the would-be mass murder. It is the same as these people who abuse the freedoms some of us have fought all our lives for, along with the thousands of young Britons, Canadians, Americans, Australians, Fijians et al fighting today in foreign lands.
With the march taking place in a public area it is completely legitimate for any member of the public to video it. It is only bad policing that intimidates a member of the public doing a perfect legal activity. She should be reprimanded immediately if the Minister of Justice can determine what side of the law he stands.


  1. If you're not a BNP supporter,you are voting for more of the same.

  2. Smartarse! How the hell do you know how I will vote? Clairvoyant?
    I am one of those who spoil’s his paper rather than give a vote to the sycophants of the major parties. Just look at the options - and I will name names rather than parties, as you intimate they are all the same. Gordon Marsden, Gay Gordon! As I am not a homosexual and served in a time when homosexuals did not flaunt the system I have memories of the gay groups selling my country short and defecting to Mother Russia in the bus load. Ron Bell! Least to say for a former Royal Marine I would almost prefer to commit treason than vote for someone who weaselled his way into offices with not an ounce - apparently - on concern for those worse off than himself. If, when he was secretary of his local Royal Marine Association he could not make available to his membership the minutes of past meetings, how could he possibly be effective in representing the woes of 60, 000 disparate electorate? That is rhetorical. Cameron’s cant for the sunshine of openness does not sit well when his party chooses men like Bell. As a lifelong true Conservative the standard of efficacy within that party leaves me in despair.
    I have said for years that all ballot papers ought to have an extra column which states “none of the above” – and if that is the selection of a majority, those on the ballot sheet should loose their deposits and a fresh set of names proposed on a fresh ballot paper.

  3. Just have to say what a breath of fresh air it is looking at this site.

    Being serving Forces i can relate big time!!

    Our great once great Country has been been all but destroyed by a bunch of political misfits interested only in the advancement of their careers and self preservation and certainly not in what is best for this Country!!

    However WE the British people have only ourselves to blame. Just take a look at the CHAVVY, BENEFIT SCROUNGING LOWLIFE who care to call themselves British, what hope do we have?

    As you have stated, their really is no viable alternative at the moment, BNP have SOME solutions but are never going to become a political force whilst they hang on to the racist neo Nazi element who so naively splatter expletives about Muslim this & Muslim that.

    Say what you like about Northern Ireland, but it wouldn't happen there because they are Patriotic, whichever said of the divide you live, and they WOULD take matters into their hands REGARDLESS of consequence and i applaud them for that.

    I honestly believe we have become too apathetic in Britain to reverse things, however should their be another atrocity on our shores
    then maybe that would be the catalyst for change, the incident on the US plane just the other day proves that UK is a breeding ground for extremism, yet the Police strive to protect people openly inciting hatred against us on our streets because that is what they are directed to do and i am sorry to say in some respects too stupid to reason why.

    God help us!!

  4. Fill your boots. I don't know much and have little experience to fall back on - if you do not count Borneo, Aden, N. Ireland, Rhodesia, Angola, Mozambique and SW Africa. Now I am at an age where every tourist has more experience and knowledge then me and every semi-literate political arsehole is allowed an opinion, but I am not.
    I have one enormous ethos. If a statement is worth making, the speaker must have the right to speak and say it. Having experienced a complete working life where views were secondary, the realisation that my views are equally valid as those whose speak for me. What is shameful is that those who have purported to speak for me have always spoken for themselves.
    The is a major Forces charity which is headed by a former general officer who has done such a massive disservice to veterans that he really ought to be named and shamed. What is sadder is that the Charities Commission (read Guido Fawkes for confirmation) is so cowardly it is small wonder that everyone thinks them - the arsehole that have ruined this once great Nation - all piss in the same pot. It was so obvious when the Air Force Surgeon Lt. was charged with heinous crimes for telling the cowards in charge that Blair and they were acting illegally.
    Bags of shit, most of them.
