Sunday 27 December 2009

Bent Labour all over the show.


Guess who I found sneaking and skulking around leaving comments on an old post that he probably thought I wouldn't notice? Just to set it up, this all started over at Grumpy Old Twat's blog - Gatward has commented as Guest, probably because he couldn't work out the new log-in system and this is his response to my previous comment where I told him to "fuck off and leave me and my friends alone!" Note the hurried lack of punctuation and bad grammar as he tried to sneak in and out quickly - anyway, here it is - enjoy!!

blog it
I don't often publish anything derogatory, but after listening to Eddie Izzard, supposed comedian, waxing on about the wonderful Labour Party, let me add my pennyworth.
If there is a hell on Earth, Labour has put us through it in the past decade. The Blackpool South Arse Licker extraordinary, MP Gordon Marsden, has already started campaigning and is using Parliamentary funds to circulate his constituents with a letter containing nothing but a whitewash of the facts to suit Labour hounds. The letters are illegal as they come out of Parliamentary funds and cannot be used for electioneering.
Will Gordon be taken to task let alone charge with improper use of funds? NO. Even though he is well aware of the Misfeasance in Public Office laws and has just ignored them. Just like so many politicians...
And Labour supporters will keep voting for them because of DOGMA and because they have not the brains or the will to tell their corrupt masters they are wrong.

Happy New Year

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