Wednesday, 22 July 2009

The Alickadoos are listening to the troops - at last.

clipped from
Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup joined forces with Army boss Sir Richard Dannatt to say extra equipment WOULD save lives.

Their calls contradicted the Premier who has insisted Our Boys had enough "to do the job".

Chief of the Defence Staff Sir Jock also won a climbdown over troop numbers during a 40-minute showdown with Mr Brown at No10.

Readers of this blog will understand that I derive no pleasure after years of berating the effete politicians for demanding of the soldier that which he/she cannot attain themselves.
For years they have ignored protestations over military vehicles. Had but one politician the courage to listen and then report to the House of Thieves that they are wasting billions of tax payer money on vehicles the Rhodesian Army would never have used - and that over thirty years ago - there would never have been a consequential and significant loss of life.
For years it has been obvious that the military is led by donkeys only interested in their own pensions. How the truth is coming home to bite them.Shamedly at the expense of young and valuable lives. Note, not a single Labour politician has risked a minute in the true service of the Nation. The Conservatives have done little better.

1 comment:

  1. Bullshit Broon will say anything for the sake of expediency.
    What does Mincing Mandy say?
    The power behind the clown!!!
