Wednesday 27 May 2009

Please, Please, Please, Vote.

We live in a country where your vote has been devalued because of a myriad of reasons. The worst possible situation is for you to allow the centuries of endeavour to be wasted because of your disinterest, your disgust at politicians, your apathy or your bigotry.
The world over, poor people would give their all to be able to put a cross on a piece of paper. You do not have the right not to vote. Even if you want to spoil your paper, that is your right. If you are like me and dislike the whole pot pouri of intrigue and immorality, I will find somewhere to put my cross, even if it right across the paper as a gesture of my discontent with those who want to stand in my name.
Please, get out on the 4th of June and put your ballot paper in that secret slot. Just think before you do it.
Just remember who has led us into the worst recession in living memory, who tried to hide from you the facts around politicians’ greed and hypocrisy. Just remember that all the parties have promised the World and delivered Hell. It is now your time to tell the Parties precisely what you think. Don’t allow the parasites in
Westminster and Brussels to besmirch you with their lack of standards.

1 comment:

  1. They have no standards to have a lack of.
