Wednesday 6 August 2008

BBC interview with Geert Wilders MP- Nederlande

Very rarely nowadays does a radio interview provoke intense thought. Geert Wilders, rightly or wrongly, has chosen a course of action which offends the Muslim minority in his homeland, and the pinkie liberal effete who would rather betray every aspect of their heritage, to an ideology which promotes the amputation of limbs for petty theft and the discriminatory stoning of women for adultery. If that was enforced in the UK I know of several neighbourhoods that would rapidly be depleted of females whilst the obliging males would have to find other means of sexual gratification. Put this recording of the BBC 4 Choice programme on audio, listen whilst you knit a Union Flag for the troops in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and the Balkans, and in Northern Ireland - Ulster to many of us old farts, and for those taking drugs whilst the government orders those who do not to turn a blind eye.

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