Thursday, 14 March 2019

Gordon Marsden ignoring the Command from the People.

speaker:Gordon Marsden : 1 vote

Business of the House (Today) - European Union (Withdrawal) Act (12 Mar 2019)
Voted (no) against approving, for the purposes of section 13(1)(b) of
the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, the negotiated withdrawal
agreement; the framework for the future relationship; the legally
binding joint instrument, which reduces the risk the UK could be
deliberately held in the Northern Ireland backstop indefinitely and
commits the UK and the EU to work to replace the backstop with
alternative arrangements by December 2020; the unilateral declaration by
the UK, setting out the sovereign action the UK would take to provide
assurance that the backstop would only be applied temporarily; and the
supplement to the framework for the future relationship, setting out
commitments by the UK and the EU to expedite the negotiation and
bringing into force of their future relationship. (division #354; result
was 242 aye, 391 no)

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