Friday 30 November 2012

Leveson stops listening and the mindless diatribe starts

The Leveson Inquiry

The Leveson Inquiry is hardly a day into conclusion and already the political divide is allowing the debate to be manipulated along political lines.  The entire report and all of its conclusions are available at the click of a button ( would the reader take the time to access it.  But no!  As with the litany of bad law that Labour promulgated in their disastrous tenure as lackies to Brussels, and some pretty mindless ones that the Conservatives left us with, bad situations leads idiots in power to formulate bad laws.  The construction of law is a nightmare when it is badly put together.  All a majority of new law has done is made lawyers richer!  Why?  Because codified law have been badly written! 
All too often the supremacy of Parliament has been undermined by MPs who have never thought through the consequences of their cowardice plus the collective stupidity of an electorate that asks them to do something they are completely incapable of doing – and that is making a sensible decisions.
When you have a labour MP trying to avoid culpability for his inertia because he was “not a lawyer”, this is compounded by insulting the intelligence of the “ordinary man on the Blackpool tram” who has to use the intelligence expected of him to sit on a Jury.  Jury service is what we demand of the ordinary man but those sent to that cesspit called Westminster but wait, this does precisely what an ordinary man elected as an MP is asked to do when laws are being formulated in Parliament.  Had the overpaid cowards the courage to stand up in the House and say they did not understand the gobbledegook being spouted, then the final Acts would be understood by all and sundry.
Where is their responsibility and accountability to every single one of their constituents?  In Blackpool South it resides in Brighton. With this very important debate it was heart warming to see via DemocarcyLive that MY MP was not in the Commons and took no part in the debate.  Queer?  Or is that a poor selection of English?

Please, take a short break to digest exactly what Leveson recommends. Let us have the debate but if debate is not going to be intelligent then we can meet under St Annes Pier for a punch-up, at high tide.


  1. This is the buffoon who is trying to shackle free speech:yet this is the man who only fined a poppy burner £50 as it was his right to ""Free Speech."

  2. Free speech does not include 'digging the dirt as much as possible' to sell newspapers. The media speculates mainly and actual factual news is minimal. However, Cameron instigated the inquiry which is paid for by the taxpayer, and therefore as he has to justify all public expenditure, should he fail to implement any part of the recommendations, then he has just wasted that money. MP's are not, never have been and never will be accountable to those that elect them, otherwise that woman Dorries would have been sacked by her constituency chairman. FREE SPEECH may be at stake, but as this country is NOT FREE to make its own laws and pays £50 million per day to the corrupt and fraundulent EU, nothing is free.

  3. In heaven, the police are British,
    The cooks are French,
    The engineers are German
    The administrators are Swiss
    And the lovers Italian.

    In hell, the police are German
    The cooks are British
    The engineers are Italian
    The administrators are French
    And the lovers Swiss.

  4. Free Speech, as a member of one Parliament elucidated is rendered possible to Muslim Terrorists if the "interviewer" remembers to stand the interviewee in water before attaching his testicles to the National Grid. This should be extended to all MPs who are still diddling their expenses, all Scrutineers of Gov Bodies who openly flout the systems, kiddie fiddlers and those who think the Police are honest. Oh! and Poppy Burners...
