Saturday 6 March 2010

Did Brown Lie to Inquiry?

clipped from

Lord Guthrie: Gordon Brown

did not give all we asked for

Long before we went into Iraq or Afghanistan

Gordon Brown was unsympathetic to the

defence budget when he was chancellor.

BNP: General Lord Guthrie backs hijack claims

The whole defence budget was extremely difficult to run in Mr Brown's time, says Lord Guthrie
Photo: Peter MacDiarmid

The Ministry of Defence received the bare minimum from the chancellor, who
wanted to give the military as little as he could get away with.

blog it
The one fact that this Chilcot inquiry seems miles away from (I am loath to say avoided) was if Chancellor Brown paid for every request from the MOD, did the MOD spending increase by not a penny? In fact, during a period of so-called war, there was a reduction in expenditure.
Will someone explain, in simple English, how?

1 comment:

  1. Minimum of funding.
    Maximum of lies.
    Treachery from the Treasury.
