Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Fylde Ex-Service Liaison Committee, open question

The Fylde Ex-Service Liaison Committee chairman has called an extra-ordinary meeting - not in public - at the RBL, Kings Street on the 20th of December 2010. Only the unnamed few are invited to attend. A secret letter has been circulated to an unnamed few to discuss matters!

What are they going to do in private? Try to pervert the course of justice?

If this committee was set up to co-ordinate the wishes and aspirations of the Forces Associations, then any member of a Forces Association is allowed to attend. What has any facilitating organisation got to hide except the truth itself?

I am writing to my Association Secretary - The Green Beret Royal Marine Commando Association - to ask if I can be affiliated to the Fylde Ex-Servicemen's Association pro tem, or as representative of my association in Blackpool pro-tem, purely for the distance of this criminal inquiry into the allegations of impropriety and criminality against this body.

With the Vice Chair conveniently jangling his chains in the Penal Colony for the next period, the lackies can do what they want. A word of warning, our Aussie kin do not like frauds. If they suspect that the jangling is not of ball and chains but the petty cash put into service charity buckets, we may never see that ship return from Botany Bay. My mukkers from 32 Battalion will quickly discover the truth, sooner than the Ex-Service community in Blackpool can expect if this insidious letter is enacted.

All semblance of openness has evaporated with this 'invitation', exactly as the cabal running the Blackpool RMA tried to do to Steve Flanigan in October 2005. Secret letter from cartel members to an unwitting but compliant cabal has, even to this day, never been seen in public. It states within the rules of the RMA that any disciplinary matter can be put before a meeting of full members for discussion and resolution. This the cabal refused Steve Flanigan. Now this is exactly the same tactic being done by the Chair of the Fylde Ex-Service Liaison committee, who back in 2005 was secretary of the Blackpool Royal Marines Association and party to the Shanghai-ing of Mr Flanigan.

The RMA at Whale Island didn't care as it was a local matter, or was it because one of the trustees at the Royal Marine Association Head Office was on that disciplinary committee... and secretary of the local association?

Surely, too much of a coincidence to be accidental? Is this Committee about to do to Arthur Roe what some of their members tried to do to Steve Flanigan in 2005?

NB. The apology wanted by these devious means to cllr Jim Houldsworth, Not a Marine Major, will never be forthcoming from Mr Flanigan. Pamwe Chete.

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