St Cameron has just shown his true colours. When a Party slips into the mire it needs a certain kind of Knight to part the waters. Unfortunately, the only characters to the fore do not belong to political parties or are outside the mainstream of politics.
Not that I am endorsing what Lord Tebbit has said, but surely he has the right to say it. It is the kind of defence that the Speaker of the House of Commons made when he maliciously turned on Kate Hoey and to the disgust of every British man, not a single weasel in Parliament went to her defence.
I do not think the Conservatives are fit for anywhere near office, but nor are Labour or the Lib-Dems. Surely there are 640 decent, free thinking Brits who can pull together to make this Nation Great again?
Not that I am endorsing what Lord Tebbit has said, but surely he has the right to say it. It is the kind of defence that the Speaker of the House of Commons made when he maliciously turned on Kate Hoey and to the disgust of every British man, not a single weasel in Parliament went to her defence.
I do not think the Conservatives are fit for anywhere near office, but nor are Labour or the Lib-Dems. Surely there are 640 decent, free thinking Brits who can pull together to make this Nation Great again?
Tebbit should tell Cameron to get on his bike-oh,I forgot, he got it nicked after chaining it up to a THREE FOOT HIGH BOLLARD.