Wednesday 20 May 2009

The Band Aid solution

Brown is using the Band Aid trick to hoodwink the electorate into thinking he is making changes. The give away is his retention of the Red Squirrel in his Cabinet and the fact is that Notareargunner, along with all ex thinking servicemen, will not allow the plaster to be wrapped round his eyes.

How can you think of keeping the one measure that is outraging every decent person in the land, the mortgage interest fees? MP’s get paid and get well reimbursed for a job that is not even slightly taxing (sic). Not only does the average moron in Westminster get his (or her) easily earned £67K, they get the equivalent of another £50K in pension rights. If MP’s really want to know what it is like to slum it, take up temporary residence in one of the dwellings in Paddington that front as a hotel but are really slum workhouses for the poor and deprived British migrant worker, in where residents sleep eight to a room, on bunk beds, with total strangers and lively cockroaches. Tell the residents there that the £1500 per month expenses proposal is warranted to people already amongst the top 10% earners in the country.

In the fevered atmosphere of total political distrust, events around the British Isles show a marked similarity with the character of the ruling classes that defies belief. Anyone watching the news coming from Dublin cannot be anything but shocked at the identical reactions from the religious deity there and the political divinity in Westminster. What the victims in both capitals want are the immediate arrest and prosecution of each and every perpetrator for every crime against the states, against the youth in Ireland and the taxpayer in the UK and Northern Ireland.

If the politician cannot understand this and if their supporters do not realise this, neither state deserves the decent people to support them and they, not the people, have betrayed the legacy for which both parts of these islands have striven for centuries.

It is with increasing incredulity that we listen to the likes of Keith Vaz, himself a muted witness to the destruction of British political values, aided and abetted by the Rt. Hon. Lord Peter Mandelson and his selective memory with regard to financial probity, part of this immoveable dinosaur that has become the establishment.

There is much to be admired in our ancient and quaint system. I cannot subscribe to the voices that call for a updating of the language used within the House. Surely, if someone wants to represent me, then the least they can do is learn a few conventions. When Gordon Marsden gets up and asks a question for his constituent, he is acting for Blackpool South and not Mr Gordon Marsden. When he asks ridiculous questions or waste parliamentary time, it is up to me and every person who has voted for or against him to raise their objections. With that there ought to be a legal obligation for Mr Marsden to reply irrespective of how aggrieved he feels at his constituent’s indignation.

There is one simple truth that all the parties are playing down. It is the mindless, gutless individual within the system that makes the system inoperable. It was Speaker Martin’s misuse of office that has made his tenure unpalatable; the excessive and probable illegal use of public money for his wife’s taxi fares that first gave cause for concern, then his totally inept defence of Damien Green and finally the ungentlemanly attack on Kate Hoey on the floor of the House – that could read somewhat raucous if it was not so serious.

And finally, how can you call a colleague’s actions totally inappropriate -unacceptable - yet keep them in office?

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